Math Fact Fluency Sessions

Our experience has taught us that math fact fluency is not only a useful life skill, but often the key to success in math courses.  When students can effortlessly recall basic math facts, their minds are cleared to concentrate on the new concepts they are learning, and work time becomes more effective and enjoyable.  However, in the classroom it’s not always practical for teachers to be able to facilitate the mastery learning that math fact fluency requires.  We believe that one-on-one support at Family Learning Centre is a solution for this because we can develop personalized programs.

Every student is motivated by different activities and moves at a different pace, but with all our math fact students we focus on

  • Having a manageable number of facts to work on at a time and strategically grouping them
  • Finding each child’s sweet spot where they are challenged but not overwhelmed
  • Providing instant checks on their answers so they know what they know and don’t memorize the doubts
  • Fostering a sense of accomplishment by helping students track what they’ve mastered (the satisfaction of progress is a powerful motivator)              
  • Providing an environment that is free from the peer comparisons that can discourage some students and lead to math anxiety
  • Building confidence in math skills so students can stop dreading math class
  • Showing the real-world usefulness of math skills
  • Making math fun!

The long-term results are a guarantee, so you can’t go wrong with signing up your child for some math fact fluency sessions!